Register for a class

Intermediate Private Exam Prep

The class you've selected is:

Intermediate Private Exam Prep with lessons on:

  • Wed at 11:30 AM run by Colours of Dance - Miss Imogen at Cambridge Dance Studios Studio 3

Student Information

Your Information

You are the primary contact. An account will be created for you in order to manage classes, pay bills, etc. You still need to complete this section even if you are the student.

I am the student

Secondary Contact Information

The secondary contact is used for communications only; please provide a different email address and telephone number.

Terms and Conditions

Colours of Dance General Terms and Conditions

Privacy, Your Data and Terms & Conditions of Participation - Revised 15 April 2023

Privacy Statement

Colours of Dance is committed to the protection of privacy for each individual within its community, be that student, parent, teacher, employee or studio hirer. As part of this commitment, we will only collect, retain and process any data about an individual that is absolutely necessary to 
1 - providing the safe provision of dance tuition and examinations and
2 - communicating to teachers, students, parents, employees and studio hirers information about relevant activities in the school, special events and fees due.

Colours of Dance will not share any information about any individual with any third party without the specific, express and advance permission of the individual concerned. Colours of Dance does not use ‘mailing lists’. You will only receive emails from Colours of Dance administrative staff that are relevant to you/the student personally or to your class. In general start/end of term emails to the whole school, the Principal may decide to include information about other classes or new classes that are coming to the community that she thinks you may be interested in. There will be no paid for advertising in these emails.

For more detailed information about the collection and processing of personal information at Colours of Dance, please contact the Principal.

You will be reminded to review the Colours of Dance Privacy Statement and the Terms and Conditions as and when they change and at the start of each academic year. We ask you annually to review (and re-consent if you wish) to ensure that the terms of the agreement under which each student is enrolled in class are in place between you, the student and the teacher.

You will be prompted to review the T&Cs annually when you log in to your Colours of Dance Online account on our web site after the end of the Summer Term each year or you may receive an email from the Principal directly suggesting you do so.

Any questions about the Privacy Statement or the Terms and Conditions should be addressed to the Principal.

If you wish to see the Colours of Dance Safeguarding Policy, you may do so here.

Colours of Dance Class Terms of Participation

Section 1 - Relating to Students

  1. To register for classes, the student or parent (where the student is aged under 18) must complete an online registration form in advance of the first class for each student who wishes to attend.  Students under 18 are required to have a parent/legal guardian be the account holder.  Once a student reaches the age of 18 they may choose to become their own account holder, or may keep their parent as account holder, if the student is not paying the fees.
  2. Registration will create an online account with Colours of Dance, containing essential and personal details of declared by you. You may review and update these details at any time by logging into your account using your email address and the password and PIN number you can set up at the login page. You should ensure that emergency contact/medical details are kept up to date, and that the student themselves is not given as the emergency contact.
  3. Once you have registered, you will be invited to attend an initial class, so that the student may experience their chosen class, and the teacher can assess their suitability to join the group.  If the student does not enjoy the class or wishes not to return, you should just inform us and we will delete your registration in full.  The trial class does not confer any obligation on the student or parent/guardian.  If the teacher feels the class is not suitable for the student, they may speak to the student or parent/guardian directly with their advice, and/or will speak to the school administrator who will be in touch to re-arrange the registration into another class more suited to the student.  There may be many reasons for this, so please do not consider the trial class an audition - everyone who would like to dance is welcome at Colours of Dance - however, finding the right class environment and teacher is very important.
  4. All classes at Colours of Dance have stipulated maximum class sizes.  This is generally 16 students, but occasionally, and for specific reasons, this may be reduced or extended at the discretion of the teacher and with the  approval of the Principal.   If a class is full, you may still register your interest, and you will be placed on a waiting list for that class.  However, we will also try to find an alternaticve suitable class, so that the student may start dancing as soon as possible.   Having a place on a waiting list is just that - it does not confer an obligation on either Colours of Dance or the student.  Students on waiting lists will be offered places as soon as they become available.
  5. Your online account gives access to your 'basket' through which you pay for your fees online, and also contains information of the terms and conditions, copies of messages, details of events and much more.
  6. Students are not required to re-register each term or if they graduate to a new class - their registration will move with them. Once you’re in, you’re in!
  7. As a matter of professional respect and courtesy to teachers working with, developing and mentoring their pupils, Colours of Dance does not accept students currently studying with another teacher/dance school, except where that teacher requests it, or the parent has agreed with that teacher that they will attend both schools. We ask that Colours of Dance pupils wishing to attend dance classes in another school or under another teacher treat us with the same courtesy and speak to us before attending any other classes. This is also a matter of safeguarding, as we like to ensure that our pupils study under responsible, properly trained and registered teachers in a safe and supportive environment.
  8. Students should be healthy enough to attend dance classes whilst understanding that dance classes are absolutely suitable for a wide range of fitness and ability types. Please speak to the teacher about any issues before the start of class, however insignificant they may seem. For more complex/on-going issues, or where a student may require specific or additional support, please discuss these with the teacher or Principal in advance and provide medical documentation as may be necessary.  We are committed to making all our classess as accessible as possible, but we are not able to guarantee one to one support in every class, so it is important that specific concerns are addressed with us in advance of attendance.  
  9. Students should be comfortable learning in a group setting, where from time to time they will be arranged into smaller groups, pairs or solo.
  10. If there are any learning issues associated with a student, you should speak to the Principal before attending to ensure the chosen class is suitable for the student. We enjoy working with all types of learning skills, and this is most successful when parents/students and teachers work together.
  11. The teacher of each class will discuss the progress of individual students with students themselves, or their parents on an ad hoc basis as they deem appropriate and necessary. If parents or pupils would like to arrange a time for further information, please contact the office to set this up.
  12. If you are not able to come to class due to last minute illness, emergency or the A14 (!), please try to text or phone the school office to let us know (07444 452924), or failing that kindly let your teacher know at the next lesson.
  13. If you know you will need to miss a class, please contact the school office to let the teacher know, and if that is judged suitable by the teacher, to arrange a make-up class. Missed classes are the responsibility of the parent/student and it may not be possible to attend another in replacement. Colours of Dance does not have a responsibility to make up a missed class to the student.
  14. If you do not come to class for 2 consecutive weeks and we do not hear from you, we will try to contact you by email and phone.  If you do not reply within a reasonable period (and within the end of that term period), we will process your notice to leave and may give your place to someone on the waiting list.  You will receive an automated email when we process your notice.
  15. Communications regarding term dates, fees, watching week or anything else will normally be made by email. We aim that all emails are tailored to a group or series of individuals. From time to time, there will be a wider school communication which you may feel does not relate to you, in which case please delete it!
  16. You should always receive 3 emails a term - at the start of term, at half term and at the end of term. If you think you have not received these emails, please check your email settings, junk folder, and contact us to help you not miss out.
  17. Fees are due in full by the first day of each term (or at the second lesson, where a student is new), and are payable in full for the whole/pro-rated term, unless a separate agreement is made with the Principal. Please note:
    1. If any class is missed due to absence of the student, there will be no refund
    2. If any class is cancelled, a make-up class will be offered at a later date or a refund will be given in the form of credit into your basket to be used against the next bill
    3. Current fees are posted on the Colours of Dance website.
    4. Fees that remain unpaid on the first day of term lose discounts
    5. Fees that remain unpaid after the completion of the second lesson, will be liable to a late payment charge equal to 10% of the total fees due.
    6. Discounts are offered for 'early bird settlement', between siblings and the parents within a family and are applicable until the first day of term (ie the due date), when the full fee becomes due.
  18. Students may be invited for external examination or medal test by their teacher when they are ready. The readiness of students for examinations and tests is assessed jointly by the class teacher and the Principal and decisions made by them are final. Students are able to progress in all dance styles without examination. Please note that not all students in a class will be ready for examination at the same time.
  19. To leave a class, please give at least one month's notice (preferably half a term). To give notice, please email, or speak in person or by phone. You may be billed for half a term's fees of the class you have left if you do not give notice and simply do not turn up to class. 
  20. When you give notice to leave Colours of Dance, the online account created for you will be deleted after your last lesson. The personal data will be retained for up to 1 year after the notice is effective, with final deletion being performed by 31st August in the academic year in which notice was given. Where financial records have to be retained as required by HMRC regulations, these will be anonymised, and all personal data removed.

Section 2 - Relating to Parents & Helpers:

  1. Except for certain pre-school classes, parents do not attend the classes with their children and should be comfortable waiting outside the building. For younger children, this may require some adjustment and we will work with each child & their parents/guardians to help ease this process.
  2. Since the covid-19 pandemic, we are no longer able to offer waiting facilities at the Colours of Dance studios.  Parents/guardians are very welcome into the building to talk to staff or to view the studios beforethe first class if they are new, or to pick up uniform and so on.  We ask that you please make arrangements to do this in advance, so we can make you welcome and tend to your needs, as there is not always admin support available for you during class times.  We do not allow adults to wait about in corridors unsupervised, as part of our committment to ensuring that Colours of Dance is a safe space.
  3. From time to time, you will be invited to regular 'watching weeks', usually (but not always) held at the end of the Autumn and Summer Terms, so that they may admire their children's progress and support their development. 'Watching Weeks' are held at the discretion of individual teachers and may vary from teacher to teacher & class to class.  Parents/guardians may take photos or film clips of their children, only when all the children and parents in the room at that time give permission.  The teacher will arrange this at the start of the class, and we will allow you to do this on the following understanding:
    1. That you do so by permission and for the benefit of, the students, parents and the Principal of Colours of Dance, on condition that the privacy of the participants, and their families are respected.
    2. That you will not post any of these images online on a website or any social media site, if they contain the image of a child (or teacher) other than your own child, without first seeking the written permission to do so of every person visible in the image. You will also ensure that anyone you share these photos with (a family member or friend for example) knows about, understands and accepts the same responsibility and conditions attached to the images.
    3. That if it is found that any image has been used improperly, the responsible person may be reported to the relevant agency for endangering child safety, the invasion of privacy and improper use of personal data.
    4. Thank you for your support to keeping our community safe and for being trustworthy.
  4. All students under the age of 11 must be collected from the place stipulated by the teacher, according to the location in which the classes are held (set up varies).  Students in year 6 (age 10/11) and below must all be collected by a responsible adult.  Students in Year 7 or above may make their own way home if that is suitable/appropriate for your family.  If you wish to make different arrangements for your child under the age of 11, you may advise the Principal in writing, in advance. 

Section 3 - Outreach facilities

Where you attend a class in a location that is not the Colours of Dance studios, we ask that you treat them with respect & care wherever they are. Colours of Dance will have signed letting conditions in these locations and these will involve us make commitments about respect for property on your behalf. These are available upon request. Failure to meet the standards of respectful use that we ask may result in the offending person being asked to wait off the premises.

Section 4 - Registration Form Next Steps

When we receive your application, which is completed and sent to us on selecting the button below to agree to the Terms and Conditions, we will contact you with all details of the class you have requested to join, including cost and start/trial dates.

Section 5 - Final Confirmation of Agreement

Filling in a registration form does not form a binding agreement between yourself and Colours of Dance. By filling in this form you agree to Colours of Dance storing these details on a computer. We will use this information communicating with you regarding this class and to keep you informed of Colours of Dance activities. We will not pass the information on to any other person or organisation except as required to process information required for the benefit of this pupil. If you do not take up a class with Colours of Dance, the information given in this registration form will be deleted from our records.

If you take up a place with Colours of Dance, this registration information will form the basis of the creation of your Colours of Dance online account and your agreement to be bound by this T&C will be in force from the point of the student’s attendance at a second class and/or the payment of fees.


I have read and understood this information notice and Terms & Conditions, and I agree to adhere to them.  I accept my responsibility for ensuring that if my child is over the age of 13 they are aware of (has read and understood) the terms and conditions that apply to their attendance at this event and which I have agreed to on their behalf.  My child and I may ask the Principal about any questions or concerns they have regarding the terms and conditions herein.

With regards to mine and my child’s personal data, I understand that images may be shared with me by Colours of Dance if I request them.  I understand that I may also request that images be removed from the Colours of Dance studio, archive, website at any time in the future respecting my right to be forgotten.  I understand that my child may refuse to be photographed or filmed at any time, no matter what consent I have given here.